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Tips on Decorating Your Beauty Studio

decorating your beauty studio

Your beauty studio’s appearance forms clients’ first impressions and is a general reflection of your business. How you present your salon space is just as crucial as your expertise, so taking the time to thoughtfully design your studio rental is a must. Unsure of how to plan the perfect studio? Our Indie-preneurs have achieved success using the strategies we share here: 

Consider Your Business Values 

When you’re a business owner, you have the freedom to design your space to your exact specifications. This flexibility can be one of the best perks of being your own boss, but for many new entrepreneurs, it’s challenging to define the essence of your business. Before you pick out the first can of paint or begin browsing for décor, consider the personality that you’d like your beauty studio to convey. If you’re focused on creating a whimsical and lighthearted atmosphere, glitter or pastels may be staples in your salon. On the other hand, if you specialize in artistry with a hard edge, you may design a studio that portrays your company’s rebellious spirit. 

Think About Your Client Base 

Your personality is an essential factor to consider when designing your salon, but be sure not to overlook your clientele. Your location and client demographics can play a significant role in how you choose to enhance your space. Upscale studios located in urban areas often look and feel best when they’re minimally adorned. A monochrome color palette may work well with these types of salons, but feel free to add a statement piece or two if you’d like to add a touch of dramatic flair. 

Avoid Overwhelming the Space 

Even if you’re going for a bold and vivacious vibe, try not to go overboard with the design. A salon that’s overwhelmed with loud decorations distracts clients from the experience, and can even cause some individuals to feel claustrophobic. Once you’ve chosen a theme for your studio, aim to use a limited color palette and accessories. If you feel that your salon needs more personality, add more to the mix slowly, instead of jumping in with excessive ornamentation. 

Proudly Display Your Products 

As a beauty industry professional, you support the products that help your clients shine. Your preferred products don’t have to hide behind the scenes–they can take the limelight and be displayed tastefully in your studio. Get creative with display methods and lighting to entice clients to take a closer look. Wall accessories and other décor are certainly important in tying together the look of the studio, but many business-savvy beauty gurus make the most of their space by accentuating their favorite products (and when you become an Indie-preneur, you’ll have access to our wholesale professional beauty supply program). If you’d like to go this route, prioritize display essentials like shelving and lighting. 

In addition to your talents as an artist, you’ll need business smarts to continue building your clientele. Designing the perfect beauty studio is an essential step on the path to achieving your goals, as your salon’s aesthetic plays a crucial role in clients’ perception of your services. Before you begin visualizing the perfect space, you’ll need to start with a tasteful, blank canvas. 

If you’re on the search for a brand new studio to enhance with your signature style, our Indie Salons team is here to help. We match our Indie-preneurs with the ideal space for their needs, and we provide ample opportunities for ongoing professional education and business support. We’re always here to encourage you to invest in yourself on your journey to salon success. To learn more about how we can help, please reach out to our community.