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How to Retain Top Clientele

studio hair salon clientele

Your schedule may be packed, but retaining the best clients requires not only your talent as a stylist, but your business acumen, as well. Searching for ways to build a loyal clientele? Implement the following tips to improve your studio hair salon:

Invest in a Beautiful Studio

 Your studio’s appearance is a reflection of your business, and it’s the first thing clients notice when they walk through the door. Although you may save money on a modest studio, it’s unlikely that you’ll attract top clientele without a luxury space. If you’re on the hunt for a gorgeous salon, let our Indie Salons team connect you with the perfect studio. Once you’ve leased your dream salon space, you’ll have the freedom to decorate as you please. Don’t be afraid to demonstrate the essence of your
business through interior design
! Clients will remember the unique details about your studio. Think about your client base as you design your space, and let your personality shine through, as well.

Make it Simple to Book Appointments

Scheduling an appointment shouldn’t be a hassle—and if it is, you may be deterring clients from coming back. With the latest scheduling software, it’s a breeze to book appointments. Several options are free and can be integrated with your website, and many are mobile-friendly for on-the-go booking. If you’re currently using Square to process credit cards, you may enjoy using Square Appointments for a seamless combination. Vagaro, GlossGenius, and Shedul are other viable appointment-setting software that are worth exploring, as well. Pro tip: ask your clients to schedule their next appointment just before they leave, while they are feeling great about their new look!

Continue Your Education

Boulder and the surrounding areas are home to many top-quality salons, so you’ll need to differentiate your studio hair salon from the competition. To find and retain top clientele, always be striving to evolve and grow your skill set. Staying on top of the latest trends and becoming a master in your field can be a challenge, but your Indie-preneur family is here to help. We believe in your ability to excel, and we offer our Indies ample continuing education opportunities for your professional advancement. For example, we recently hosted a seminar on Keratin Complex’s new KCMAX Smoothing System, and many more educational sessions (for both business and beauty techniques) are on the horizon, including Blonding and Social Media for Stylists that Get Results.

Offer Specials

Experienced stylists should charge accordingly for their services, but occasionally offering a promotion on select services may entice clients to come back on a regular basis. You don’t have to sell yourself short, but scheduling a handful of specials throughout the year may help build solid relationships with your clients.

Keep an Active Social Media Presence

Interested in expanding your client base while keeping existing clients engaged? Don’t miss out on the power of social media. With your clients’ permission, consider showing off your work on your social channels. Clients will feel the love as they rake in likes, and you’ll have the opportunity to showcase the awesome results you’re proud of. In addition to posting finished haircuts, gorgeous colors, and bold styles (using our Selfie Station!), consider collaborating with others in the beauty industry. Cross promotions can be a great way to garner new interest in your business, and it’s always helpful to build relationships with other professionals in your niche.

Building a dedicated roster of clients is no easy endeavor. However, there are many ways to attract the best clients in the area and keep them coming back to see you (and telling all their friends about your services). If you’re ready to be your own boss, reach out to our team to book a tour of our luxury studio spaces. In addition to gorgeous salons, Indie-preneurs can unlock the benefits of our wholesale beauty supply program and take advantage of continuing education opportunities. Interested in finding the perfect studio hair salon for your needs? Get in touch with us today to get