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Fall Marketing Ideas for Indie-Preneurs

studio salon marketing ideas

Fall has arrived, and it’s the perfect time of year to get creative with marketing ideas to keep your studio salon busy. If you’re interested in finding new ways to garner interest in your business, consider the tips we share here. We’re always here to help our Indies succeed, and we’d love to have you join our supportive community of successful beauty entrepreneurs!   

Offer Specials on Color  – Encourage Your Clients to Change with the Season

Many clients are ready to make a change for the new season, so entice them to try out a different shade (and perhaps a fresh style, too) by offering specials on color appointments. Helping your clients make the transition from sun-kissed summer locks to autumn-inspired hues is a fun opportunity and opens up the possibility of additional bookings in the near future. There’s an abundance of gorgeous, multi-dimensional fall colors to choose from, so be sure to have examples on hand for clients who need inspiration.

Start a Rewards Program

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to marketing within the beauty industry. Each stylist’s advertising preferences are a little different, and you’ll need to experiment to find out what works best for you. If you’d like to try a new approach to marketing, consider starting a rewards program. This strategy has gained traction in a multitude of industries, and beauty professionals can reap the benefits, as well. Offering a special rate for clients who give referrals is an easy way to get started. If you find that this policy generates more business, additional rewards for client loyalty may be worth exploring.

Host a Photo Contest

We’re heading into the holiday season, so it’s the ideal time of year to start promoting gift cards. To raise awareness for gift cards and holiday specials, host a photo contest and offer a gift card as a prize. For example, invite your clients to post a photo of their most recent trip to your studio along with a clever hashtag. Randomly select a winner and reward the client for their participation with a gift card or promotion.

When you’re an Indie-preneur, you have the freedom to market your studio salon as you see fit. One of the many perks of being your own boss is having the flexibility to find what works for your unique client base. If you’re in need of marketing assistance or business support, our community of experts is here to help. When you become a part of our Indie Salons family, you gain access to a host of benefits that our Indies enjoy. We provide numerous continuing education opportunities to expand your skillset and we’re proud to offer a positive, encouraging environment to help our members grow as entrepreneurs. If you’d like to learn more about becoming an Indie-preneur, please get in touch with our market manager, Kandice Martinez, to tour one of our premium studio spaces. We have multiple locations, and we’re in the process of adding more options throughout Colorado!